Monday, August 16, 2010

My NEW Fairytale Land...

A day to remember by.. 10.7.10.. 

Waiting with much anticipation...Just in a few moments...I will then be named Mrs Fadhlullah... Alhamdulillah..

The groom awaiting...I know he's nervous as ever..sweaty palms n such...don't worry huni..u will do fine...just take in a deep breath and everything will be fine..

The bride's father giving away his daughter in hopes that she will find peace and love forever with the man she will start her new life with.... and with all respect, sincerity, honesty and love...he expresses his acceptance to cherish, protect, guide and love his bride forever....

Presenting the gift of dowry to the bride together with his promise....

 together with a ring to say "Be mine forever"....

"I will always love and respect you"...

Thus starts the NEW life of this lil' fairy with her 'angel' and 'guardian'...

One PERFECT family....!! I LOVE YOU....ALWAYS....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Blessing...

Praise to the Al-Mighty Allah's been sumtime now since I last wrote in...not that I am a celebrity that needs 2 constantly update my progress or sumone who has nothing else to do...but once I have sumthing 2 share or express..I wud definitely open up my blog and start to pour...

Many knew I was in agony for sumtime...but to me it felt like a lifetime..the beginning of a new life at first tugged me deep into a solemn hole. The one person I shared my love and trust with suddenly went against me...and tore my whole heart out... ripping it and shredding it to pieces... Only God knew how I felt. However, many told me God works in mysterious ways. He knows each of his subjects and knows what is best. The person we end up with is the person most suited for I held on to that belief...

Now.. I happy and thankful that horrid past did happen...Y? because I guess I have changed a lot in becoming the person I always wanted 2 be. A better 'muslimah', wife, mother and daughter. I believe that God will only give us what is BEST for its subjects and we have to always be thankful and grateful for what He has given us.

I was given this blessing...a second chance in life and love..After all the torment and sorrow.. 'an angel' appeared and tuk me into his arms...Never in my wildest dreams would I think of having met a person who would love and care so much about me n my children...but yet here he is...A new love and my new life...

I pray and hope deep in my heart.. we will love each other eternally till we both meet again in heaven...amin..

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Age Engage..!

What is it about Age?? well....

Age are the numbers
to mark our passing life..

Age is just a matter
that make us keep our strife..

Age makes us wiser
to make the best of choices..

Age should make us think
and use our inner voices...

Age should not make one stop
to be with someone they adore...

Age should make every couple
love and cherish each other even more...

Age could be an alarm clock
to remind us of the remaining hours

Age is for everyone to ponder
as this world isn't ours...

Age are just the numerals
we blow off our candles...

Age is everyone..
every creature...
everything we know...

So...Cherish the Age....Cherish the people around..and Cherish every breath of air we we never know when our Age will Age will Expire..and will Engage....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Drop of Dew

A Drop Of Dew

Dawn awakes bringing light,

after a cold and rainy nite,

on a petal was a drop of dew,

helping the life to make anew...

Just a drop was all it took,

for a flower to change its look,

from helpless and sad without hope,

it's now able to bloom and cope...

All it took was just a dew,

caring and considerate to make things new...

Monday, November 9, 2009


Have we ever thought why every new year we are asked bout our dreams n hopes for the coming future? what have we achieved n what we hope to achieve??? well.. in my own opinion a new resolution..a new dream or hope is important to give us a new sense of direction in life. Like sailing a boat, driving a car or flying a plane... we need to know where we are always keep us focused and in the same time make us become successful... and the (God's Presevering support) GPS is there to help us find our way n avoid us from getting lost...
It is true to always keep a positive outlook and take whatever comes by with stride... and the famous saying "every grey cloud has a silver lining" ...has yet to be a myth. I now believe that we need to learn to accept the course of obstacles with undefined endurance... as there will be a greater reward awaiting at the end of it...and with that GIFT...our life will be aNew.... in every way we can think possible... and we can then look back n smile in the history book with no regrets...
For myself...i used to think i was doomed for depression...i wasnt qualified to lead a loving n accomplished life but that i was only scheduled for total agony n chaos! TIME, PATIENCE n LOVE proved me otherwise. Now i can claim to having a life full of vibrant colours...and that i regret having to felt remorse over my loss. Now i can claim that i wudnt change anything that had happened as i truly know that my proclaimed vibrant life now would may still be a monotonous and predictable one if i hadnt let it go... GOD knows BEST!
This very minute in my new awakening...i have met an array of wonderful people who relentlessly understands and accepts me with every daunting flaw i have... and have made me smile and feel like how a natural woman should feel... and now if my naked horrid history were to come my way...i wouldnt trade or alter anything that had happened because I LOVE who I have become today... and I LOVE those who I have met... disregarding of age, race or religion... as everyone has contributed be it little or moulding and sculpting me to becoming someone i have never thought would becoming.... a strong, confident, successful (getting there) woman.
So... it is my new resolution to put down and shelf that history book of mine and focus to create new wonderful and exciting topics in my present book of life...and enjoy my journey of adventures with this new ticket i have purchased...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Awaken from DooM!!!

Been awhile since i wrote in this blog of mine..busy and trying to sort my life out..Now that I have a better view of the future ahead..i feel as though i have finally awoke from a ng and dreadfl nightmare...Thank God!
I have learnt to be a better individual, stronger and with a clearer view of my will never be easily gained...we need to go through hardship, hertship and heartache..and i'm not kidding when i say..alot of it...!
I feel blessed that God has always been by me though at times i forgot Him..but He never did..and never gave up on me...There was a time i felt hopeless and people started to point unnecessary fingers at me...i don't blame them as people will always believe others especially those close to them...but with that...i learnt to be stronger and keep my faith close to the end...the truth became more vivid...fingers that once pointed at me..started to point elsewhere..why???
I have also realised to differ my true friends and those who just claim to be...Friends who were wiling to share my endless tears and struggles and my juggles..and were willing to turn then to smiles and laughter...hope and a better future...
I learnt at times it's best to always believe in ourselves besides doing our best we can in the right way...If we have done our very BEST..we must then have faith that God knows and will always ensure we receive the BEST... But then we must be prepared to accept that what we think is best for us actually isn't..because God has prepared something greater...we just need to trust Him...
I thank God for this test he has given me as it has made me realise many things in life and how i should make what's left of it..become better than before and to never regret what has happened to me..if this hadn't happened..i could never imagine my future ahead...monotonous i presume? God has given me a much meaningful life with many interesting things and people to meet...
Thus again, i am forever thankful to finally be awakened from this dreadful nightmare and doom....!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Footsteps on LOVE!!

Everyone desires to loved. Everyone has their own way of showing love to their partner which I believe makes the individual unique and apart from others.
However, howTRUE can we be in LOVE? How long can we stay in LOVE? and how can we actually prove our LOVE?
I know a couple that has recently fell in LOVE...but the worse thing is that one of the person is still in a tied knot...What I can't believe is how can this person who claims to be responsible forget his responsibilities??? No matter how bad the partner is...this couple should atleast have respect for those around them. Thus, this is where we should consider and take the footsteps on LOVE as our bible.
In LOVE..everyone should feel happy and comfortable...not only the couple but everyone around them especially those they know. Take a step back and judge ourselves...are we too open? are we over board? have we hurt somebody?? anybody?? If we have...we should then how did we hurt this person? and how can we heal it? MOST couples ignore this fact... why? The answer is is blind and makes us do things we dare not before... even run away from those who TRULY LOVE us for who we are! Are we ashamed of those actions?? Unfortunately not many come to their senses on that until it is too late!
In LOVE...we should also consider our financial status. In this modern era of glitz and glam...material is the key of keeping the relationship. Someone used to say that money can't buy happiness..but to sure can buy EVERYTHING except our ticket to HEAVEN! Don't believe me? Just look at today's Hottest issues??? pretty young girls marrying a husband the same age as their father's... To me...this type of marriage is purely based on material! To fall in LOVE and be true in LOVE..we should know how to handle our income...but most of all ensure that we are willing to work hard for a better living and always be thankful to GOD for the blessings He has given us...cause HE can take it back in a blink of an eye and make us pennyless!
In LOVE...respect is another vital key to hold. Each individual has their strength and weaknesses. Some may look like a lost puppy but yet has an ego higher that mount Everest and a temper that can kill seven in a blow! Yet, some may be the oppposite. With much respect of the person and by focusing on the person's strength..we can make the relationship a bliss! Give and take...that's what everyone agrees too.
Lastly, in LOVE there should always be TRUST! NO relationship can work without trust. why is trust so important? Well...can we be with our partner 24..7? The answer will definitely be NO! Therefore, we should place our trust in the person and in same time loyalty in ourselves and keep it intact. Without trust...we tend to have negative thoughts of our partner and this may lead to 'fitnah' subsequently, DISASTER!
Even if we' ve tried our very best to be the best yet fail to keep the relationship strong due to a third is always best to show respect and guilt to our partner and keep the new LOVE we never know GOD may turn our LOVE back one day and when that happens...nothing will prevail and nothing we do can make us the person we used to be in our partner's eyes...but leave only footsteps of our LOVE in history!